Muffle-Up! Mentioned in the New York Times Fashion Section - Wow!
March 01, 2021

Muffle-Up! Mentioned in the New York Times Fashion Section - Wow!

Last week Muffle-Up! got a nod from one of the biggest news publications in the world. The New York Times! We couldn't be more grateful, honoured and absolutely thrilled! 

The article posed the question: Can I still wear my grandmother's fur?

The writer, Vanessa Friedman, shares her thoughts on the ethics of wearing her inherited fur and the conundrum of what one should do with an object with such high emotional value. 

She writes, "There is a school of thought that argues for the continued use of vintage fur, like those coats you inherited from your mother and aunt. In part, this is because fur is often passed down from generation to generation, with all of the family stories that implies. Moreover, to destroy a pelt already in circulation devalues its history and is worse for the environment than treating it with respect. There is also a rise in awareness of the problems with our disposability culture."

We couldn't agree more.

She continues, "What has happened, however, is the rise of a new kind of business — in not just restyling (that’s been around for a while), but entirely repurposing old furs. That means transforming coats into blankets, pillows, hats, scarves and even zip-out linings so as to preserve their meaning without promoting their creation. Many small storefronts have sprung up on Etsy to address the issue, as well as companies with names like Muffle Up and Further."

Thank you so much for the mention, Vanessa Friedman. We'll keep repurposing vintage fur coats until every single one is out of the closet and brimming with brand new purpose. 

Have you ever asked the question, what should I do with my inherited fur coat? 

We are here to transform your precious heirlooms into beautiful and purposeful mementos. Get in touch with us whenever you're ready.

Thank you for reading and have a fabulous day!

xoxo, Team Muffle-Up!

Here's a link to the article: